So, as many of you may already know, I have begun my graduate studies here at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD for short). In between running around and dealing withe the bureaucracy here, I've begun to produce some work. This isn't stellar or grand, just some stuff to get my feet wet and prepare for the bigger projects downt the road. Here goes...
I wanted to get my feet wet with a quick, small relief print, so I did a depiction of the Russian witch Baba Yaga, and her walking chicken house. I had a little bit trouble printing this since I was using an unfamiliar press, so I'm not sure if I'll continue to use it with future blocks.
My first screenprint! Many may recognize this as the Sandman himself, Morpheus, Dream of the Endless (a popular subject for me). I'm not really 'taking' the class, but am sitting in on the occasional lecture and demo to see the process, and then going from there.
And finally (drumroll..........) the layout for my first linocut comic. Just two pages, and no real dialogue or captions, but a self contained story nonetheless, using my ideas from the 'Street Scenes' series. Hopefully, this will lead to good things (and hopefully a thesis).
So, not bad for a month's work, no?